*Stay faithful to the stories in your head.

* Fiction writing is great. You can make up almost anything.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Nothing Common about this Cold

The temperature dipped dramatically on Saturday, and I wasn't prepared for it. Two hours out in the cold with just a light sweater, and I caught the sniffles good and proper. Whats more, by evening it was threatening to mature into a cold.
I didn't want to take it to bed and used my best ally - Benadryl to ward it off. Dont know what happened, but next morning I got up with the unwanted "admirer". Did my ally balk & stop working on the intruder?

Sunday morning, I decided to ignore the cold. My hair was crying out for attention - wanted to look as good as the rest of me. So I pampered it with curd....by afternoon hair looked good, but my nose decided to teem up with Cold.
At night I looked a beauty - great shiny hair, leads instead of eyelids, running red nose (would put Rudolf to shame), and a voice probably Himesh would love to own (considering it sounded 100 times more nasal than the renowned singer - if thats possible!!!)

Ahhh Monday morning (dont I love Mondays !!!! )..... my ally(B-dryl) had decided to help out after all....my eyelids were back to normal - but the rest of me remained the same.

I had got the "common cold" - but whats common about it. Its made me look very "special", has ensured I "specially" gulp hot liquids at periodical intervals...and is basically a very "royal" pain.....nothing common about it :(

So if you see this woozy headed creature floating about, with a Rudolf red blocked nose, an open mouth (dammit I cant breathe thru' my nose) & a very, very nasal, squeaky voice....its ME.
Do give me a warm hug....I need all the warmth to drive the cold away!!!!


jasp said...

{{{{{{{Nandini}}}}}} - is that a goood enough hug ? For you the hugs are always there, with or without a cold ... It's not the infectous variety is it :)??

You seem to have a flair for writing ... keep it going. Seeing and reading your stuff might motivate some others too ... :):)

Rajan Mukherji said...

Now that is criminal neglect. A Bengali venturing out in the middle of January without the basic survival kit... a monkey cap, muffler, gloves, thermals and an overcoat...it had to happen. Ami bole chilam , kintu mai ta kota shonae na !!

Unknown said...

Hi Nondini Sen !!
Very humorous !! I always thought Bengali's were serious/studious/musical people.
It was fun reading you.
P.S. Take chicken soup for common colds, its the best remedy.
They say If you consult a doctor, a common cold will go in a week, otherwise it takes as much as seven long days

rimi said...

Well!! Catching a cold is the commonest way to leave you feeling uncommon ...probably that’s where the term originated... your blog actually got me thinking more on the topic of cold…we usually say I, he or she caught a cold….now, why would anyone for any or all good reasons would like to “catch a cold”. One should probably say that I, he or she was “thrown a cold”… practically, that’s how it spreads in most cases………..sometimes I tend to agree with that guy who once famously said that..eenglishh ij a vhery phanney language…
Never the less we “catch cold” …come to think of it what would happen if we could also throw it back….Now that you already have the cold in your court who would you like to throw it to?? I personally would have hurled it straight to my project manager sitting right in front of me…..there’s a lot you can do with a biological weapon like this one…make best use of it..

Wish you a speedy “un-catching” …drink plenty of water…I was told that it scares cold away…

My Unfinished Life said...

nice read...truely..there's nothing common about having a cold...it is a very surreal experience to have...breathing through the mouth...red eyes...and wat not!!.......
you got a flair for writing.....try to write on some interesting topics.....

Rimi said...

Try replying now..i hope it works

NonsSens said...

Thanks ppl for commenting.....sure boosts me up.....you have no idea how important the comments are - just helps me keep the fire of "nonsense" (oops its NonsSens) going on.

Unknown said...

you had to do it before your bday my dear. great wrting. lose the cold smell the coffee.

NonsSens said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

This is a good piece. Don't mean u keep catching colds though. Have lots of vitamin C if u are prone to catch cold. lol