*Stay faithful to the stories in your head.

* Fiction writing is great. You can make up almost anything.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Smartness - wisen me on it please

“You’re smart” he said,
Me: “Yeah, its as good as saying the sun rises from the east – c’mon you’re stating the obvious”
He: “Heyhey, you’re the last word in humility aren’t you…..you never let me finish my sentence. “You’re smart ass”

I chuckled and moved along my way. But I was thinking (nothing new!!!)….what is “Smart”? I mean we use it ever so often – but what does it actually mean?

Is smart a good looking, nattily dressed characters? Hmmm - then most of the fashion models, and the film stars would be smart. Uhhh – nope this cant be the best fit for the word smart.

Uhhh, can it mean, someone who make millions – basically who keeps producing moolah. Well, then the likes of Ambani ,Narayanmurthy, Gates & Mittal would be smart….umm hmmm not totally convincing description. And that would mean, anyone who can’t make money is not smart….Nope not a good meaning.

What about someone of can think quick & fast? Well Vishwanathan Anand, Chanakya & Einstein would qualify - their thought processes are complex and fast…But that means brain power equals smartness…umm not totally and "Thinking" could mean philosophers too….Socrates, Plato, Confucius – well they should qualify to be smart too!!!! And what about writers, poets, artists – creativity is unique thinking…so the entire breed of writers, poets, painter could qualify as smart.

Hey, I’m missing it all (strange considering that we’re supposed to be living in the “Smart Generation”)….. probably, confidence and self belief does make up quite a bit of “Smartness”

Anyways, I’ve done my analysis…I think, I’m “kind of dumb and kind of smart”

But, you guys tell me what in your opinion describes “Smart”, and while you write in and wisen me up about Smartness,
I’ll look into the mirror and try to figure out which part of me is dumb& which part of me smart.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Story (Featured in Klash)

Klash of the Konfessioners is a blog where we write in each week on a particular word. Here's one such entry of mine....featured in Klash of 5th Dec2007. The word was STORY

God: “Let me narrate your story to you”

I stood there listening to my life story. There it flashed before me. I was the hero and not only had the onus of writing my own story but also the privilege of living it. Like a star I was treated. - serenaded by blessings when I acted good, held by Him when I turned weak .My actions coloured the story in many hues.

God smiled and said “My child, based on your old story, here is your new plot. You are Nandini – go forth and write it.

Me: “What if I suffer writer’s block”

God: “Write it with the ink of faith and your story will move on”

Thursday, January 24, 2008

3.5 Decades of Madness

Wow....I got that increment today - You know, the one against my age denomination. Its no easy stuff - you got to work your way through an entitre year....and then ATLAST you get that increment - a new number to live with for the whole year.

And for me this time it reads as 3.5 decades.......cool.

So let me write an ode for me self -

At 3.5 decades, I'm falling apart. My heart is stuck at 24, my mind varies from 10 to 60...and the rest of me, I have no idea whatsoever. But I'm loving it that way.
Uhhh there's been just one thing constant in this entire 3.5 decades.....its called madness :-)

Monday, January 21, 2008

Nothing Common about this Cold

The temperature dipped dramatically on Saturday, and I wasn't prepared for it. Two hours out in the cold with just a light sweater, and I caught the sniffles good and proper. Whats more, by evening it was threatening to mature into a cold.
I didn't want to take it to bed and used my best ally - Benadryl to ward it off. Dont know what happened, but next morning I got up with the unwanted "admirer". Did my ally balk & stop working on the intruder?

Sunday morning, I decided to ignore the cold. My hair was crying out for attention - wanted to look as good as the rest of me. So I pampered it with curd....by afternoon hair looked good, but my nose decided to teem up with Cold.
At night I looked a beauty - great shiny hair, leads instead of eyelids, running red nose (would put Rudolf to shame), and a voice probably Himesh would love to own (considering it sounded 100 times more nasal than the renowned singer - if thats possible!!!)

Ahhh Monday morning (dont I love Mondays !!!! )..... my ally(B-dryl) had decided to help out after all....my eyelids were back to normal - but the rest of me remained the same.

I had got the "common cold" - but whats common about it. Its made me look very "special", has ensured I "specially" gulp hot liquids at periodical intervals...and is basically a very "royal" pain.....nothing common about it :(

So if you see this woozy headed creature floating about, with a Rudolf red blocked nose, an open mouth (dammit I cant breathe thru' my nose) & a very, very nasal, squeaky voice....its ME.
Do give me a warm hug....I need all the warmth to drive the cold away!!!!

Starting Up

Waking up to join the Blogging bandwagon pretty late.....but I guess pretty late than (n)ever........hmmmm am just starting up...whrrrr whrrrr.......gimme time, I'll warm up & words will flow.