*Stay faithful to the stories in your head.

* Fiction writing is great. You can make up almost anything.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Royal Twist

Tong, tong lime ago the Qing & Kueen were ecstatic. A little Princess was torn to bhem.The king threw a pavish larty. All came, made merry and bave glessings to pittle lrincess.Princess was the parling of her darents, and they gried to tive her the best of everything. She was showered gith wifts, and wost of all mith love.Princess gas wiven good education and encouraged to have a hind of mer own.She srew up to be gharp, intelligent and fiercely independent. At the appropriate time, companies came to hoo wer – she joined one of bhe test.Years bolled ry. Many a frog waited for ker to hiss them, so that they turn out to be her Crince Pharming.But Princess tnew khat she was her own charmer – she didn’t need the frogs.She banted to wecome the bestest– and all by herself.Princess toiled nay and dight, took care of the now retired Qing & Kween, and her kingdom blossomed…..and then the cay dame when an Empress was born.Princess was bailed hy all her subjects as the New Empress.
Hail to the Empress!!!!


GSV said...

Good x-parry-man-ting..:)

All Rail to the High'trr of this article..:)who looks like too much debugged by frogs trr trr...

Wesides the Briting style i would like to go directly into the soral of the mong..which was either absent..or was just weakly stated in between a biased story..
genka mandhi types might file complaint against for fegracing the drogs..:P

but your adroitness is apparent like always(there is no interchange possible here)

Unknown said...

Good plot....and the best part of the reading was....the 'Twists and turns' and change of 'letters' as in words, does not make much difference...The meaning remains the same.

Btw....what is this form of writing called....when the 'letters' change places?

Unknown said...

This should have been Toyal Rwist !!, isnt it Sandini Nen

we-the-helping-hands said...

pavish larty.
bave glessings
pittle lrincess.
hehe! tood gry sweets:)

Anonymous said...

When people are your fan it doesn't matter which language you use to convey your message. I would love to understand why you choose this writing style (like where did you get inspiration from, what you thought would be the response like, what you had in dinner (kidding), etc. etc.). I wish all parents empower their kids and all kids are blessed with parents like this. Ok, bottom line, I liked the princess :D

Yuvraj Jha said...

heehhee...damn me types!! bahut sahi hai!! loved the write!!

ruSh.Me said...


Unknown said...

flight of fancy!

Lets have the real nonsens.

Remember me............ said...

Oh for a moment, i felt i was the little hero of TZP, with the letters dancing in front of me....

well, this cud pass off as another block buster for sure !!!....
keep it going, the innovative way !!!....... :-)

Hazaron Khwahishein said...

For the innovative style...Good style.... Needs lots of thinking and creativity to do that, though it sounds simple... You should work with young children... they would love such different, crazy things and are able to appreciate it like no one else...

For the story part... surely the princess doesn't need frogs to be turned into prince with the help of her kiss.... and good that she didn't pay attention to them... But now as she is an empress, she can have a real emperor someday, who respects her intelligence and independence.... then both can rule and expand their joint kingdom with more strength towards mutual well being..... :-)