*Stay faithful to the stories in your head.

* Fiction writing is great. You can make up almost anything.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

5 Seconds of Drama

I had written this piece ages ago ....thought of adding it to my blog......

Creek, Creek........The intercom buzzed to life in the aircraft. The airhostess' voice came on "We regret to announce that due to a technical fault.....

(Tech fault? I felt uneasy.The pineapple piece I was tenderly balancing on the plastic fork wobbled dangerously)....

"our boilers are not working"

(Boilers????....I racked my brains - what function does "boilers" have in an aircraft".God, something isn't working in the aircraft & we are stuck 1000s of feet above ground level. Are they going to throw away the luggage? Oh no - goodbye my lovely pink jacket. I had worn it only once.Are they going to announce that we're going to crash land?God!! Had I said my good byes properly to my family. Why did I pull a mean face at my sibling just before boarding.Did I tell the world that I love them? No, no Am I going to meet my maker so soon ?Is the world ending?)5 seconds...and my world was topsy turvy....just b'cos of an incapacitated "boiler"

The announcement continued....."So ladies & gentlemen, we will not be able to serve tea & coffee on this flight. Sorry for the inconvenience."

(Heck.....so "Boilers" are for heating up beverages....Gosh!!!! Thank God the world is not ending.......Hey but hold it - it is pretty bleak - 2 hours stuck in this aircraft with no beverage). Sigh!!!!


Neel said...

Dramatic indeed....Those boilers made life pretty miserable....with thoughts and imaginations flying to all quarters......
nice creativity Nandini.......

we-the-helping-hands said...

"our boilers are not working"
haha....let your imagination run wild too;)

So ladies & gentlemen, we will not be able to serve tea & coffee on this flight. Sorry for the inconvenience....

Anonymous said...


can u please check this...

need ur comments!!!

NonsSens said...

Hi Anonymous (lifesaft).....thanks 4 visiting my blog...I did return the favour & looked up your blog......read my comments there.

KH said...

dear nandini (got from nandinism!),

I liked your posts and wanted to share mine. So, it is upto u to scrrible as and what u feel comfortable. I wish more thoughtful people can provide some alternate/extended views on my posts. Hope you can manage some time and forward the link to some appropriate people.


A D K K said...

It is at unexpected moments we come face to face with our mortality. Then only we realise how much we have taken for granted, all the things we just neglected to do, how careless we had been...wanting another chance. But often in life it can be too late. We have to make take time for unattended vital aspects...never take life, family and friends for granted. U have dramatically, yet humorously conveyed the idea...As usual it is interesting :)

coffeeismypoison said...

oooh scary!!
thanks for commenting on my blog :o) am currently involved in hiring search parties to look for that silver lining!